Chateau de l’Hom
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Safety rules

Camping du Château de l’Hom
30125 Saumane
Safety instructions in case of alert
The campsite is situated on the municipality of Saumane classified high-risk area for:
Thus fast Floods 
Forest fires

The French legislation imposes on the diverse actors (public authorities, administrator of the structures and the citizens) to take each at their level of capacities in case of alert.
In what concerns us it is the municipality which is competent from the administrative point of view. The municipality is in charge of the municipal Plan of protection and the realization of the DICRIM (Municipal Document of Information on the Major Risks), available in city hall and on the campsite reception.

2-The management of the risk

The alert is activated by public services according to the bulletins of Meteo France either by competent authorities according to the nature of the risk.
The mayor is then responsible for the implementation of the applicable prescriptions on his municipality and gathered in the municipal plan of protection.
For what concerns us he warns us of the release of the alert and of his level.
From then on the administrator activates in his turn the implementation of the safety instructions of the campsite which consist:

  2-1 To warn every person of the current risk, of his predictable duration, and special instructions which would have been communicated to him, by the diverse ways at his disposal (megaphone, carry voice, verbal individual warning …)
  2-2 to Open and to make available a premises or to gather if necessary (the ward under the castle)
   2-3 make sure of the smooth running of the installations of communication and absolutely essential.
   2-4 make sure of the free circulation within the campsite (open barrier, clear traffic lanes) and on the existing outcomes.
   2-5 Follow the evolution of the phenomenon to activate complementary measures if necessary (organize the evacuation of certain zones and putting in a safe place of the persons present)
   2-6 Make sure that locations concerned by the risk are actually evacuated. This point requires for you to respect necessarily the compulsory registration on the attendance sheet available on the reception desk in period of opening or at mister Jean Paul Banchereau in the entrance of the campsite and permanent employee of on-the-spot safety in period of commercial closure
In case of arrival off opening of the reception desk, please warn by telephone to be registered in 04 66 83 90 89
   2-7 To shut down electricity networks if needed
Other measures specific to the nature of the risk which can be taken according to the situation.
3-For what concerns you
   3-1 Stay on the spot, do not evacuate without having received from it the order, join the assembly point (room under the castle) only at the invitation of the administrator    3-2 Close windows, doors and other openings. Put out of reach the materials or the sensitive products
   3-3 Make a reserve of drinking water
   3-4 Fasten solidly what can be taken (your gas cylinders for example)
   3-5 Do not circulate with your vehicle, except urgency, not to hamper the help, do not leave your vehicle in the middle of a road.
   3-6 Not to phone (fixed or portable) that the bare minimum not to overload the networks which must be available for them urgences
   3-7 Shut down the electricity and  close the gas  , use an autonomous emergency lighting
Each of you has to become aware of the necessity of following these instructions and to obey without dithering in the requests of the administrator or his representative.
The useful numbers :
     Since a mobile: 112
     Sappers Fire brigades: 18
     Emergency services: 17
     Emergency medical service: 15
     The City hall: 04 66 83 91 42
     The Prefecture: 04 66 36 40 40
     Meteo France: 08 92 68 02 30
     Follow the floods :


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