Internal Rules

The translation (made  by a robot) is not contractual,  only the french version in this value
to be admitted penetrating, settling down on a campsite, it needs to have been authorized by the person in charge of the reception there. (Or by the administrator).
The fact of staying on the campsite of the “Castle of Hom” involves the acceptance of the capacities of the present regulation and the engagement to conform to it.
Any breach can pull the eviction of his author, with appeal to so necessary law enforcement.
Every person that must stay at least one night in the campsite beforehand has to present to the person in charge of the reception of the pièces of identity and fill the formalities required by the police.
Every person arriving in the campsite has to compulsory  record on the safety register in the reception desk.
The tent, the caravan or the camping car and all relative to it, must be installed in
the indicated location and according to directive given by the administrator or his substitute.
Opening hours see here
We shall find in the reception all informations about services of the campsite
Information on the possibilities of provisioning, sports facilities, wealth tourist of the neighborhood and diverse addresses which can turn out useful.
Fees are paid on arrival, to the reception desk. Their amount is fixed according to contract or shown price list. They are due according to the number of nights
spent on the ground of the campsite and their calculation is made from noon to noon.
The users of the campsite are invited to advise reception desk of their departure
The day before of this one. The caravan campers intending to leave prematurely of opening hours of the office have to settle the day before their payment. For the campers staying more than a week, the amount is paid weekly.
The users of the campsite are insistently asked to avoid any noises and discussions which could hamper their neighbor.
Acoustic appliances must be accordingly settled. The closures of car doors and safes  must be as well discreet as possible.
The silence must be total between 10 pm and 7 am on their location.
Dogs and other animals (Cats only here) must be never left free. They must not be left in the campsite even locked in the absence of theirs owners who are civilly liable. They have to wear a necklace with the name of their owners who must have insured and inoculated them, and these have to watch to prevent or to clean the possible stains. The use and the access of toilets are formally forbidden animals.
The visitors can be admitted in the campsite under the responsibility of the people who receive them. They have to ask the reception for the authorization to penetrate on the ground by indicating who they go to visit. For lack of having filled this formality, the people who welcome them will be taxed by the number of people not declared from the beginning of their own stay. If the visit lasts more or less two hours, these are kept in the payment of a fee of stay following the shown price list. In any case, the visitors or the guests can penetrate into the campsite with their vehicle except special authorization.
Inside of the campsite, the vehicles have to run to a limit speed of 10 km / hour. The traffic is forbidden between 10:30 pm and 07 am. Can circulate in the campsite only the vehicles which belong to the campers staying there. The car park, strictly forbidden on the internal traffic lanes, does not have to, besides, hinder the traffic nor prevent newcomers’ installation
Each has to abstain from any action which could damage the cleanliness, the hygiene and the aspect of the campsite. A good behavior is required from all the campers. Any infringement on the good customs by an indecent holding, will pull  the immediate exclusion from the delinquent without prejudice in the possible public action. It is forbidden to throw waters polluted on the ground, nor in gutters and at the foot of the trees which die from it…
The “caravanners” necessarily have to empty their worn waters in the installations planned for that purpose. Household waste, waste of all kinds, papers must be put down in trash cans, sanitary installations must be maintained in constant state of cleanliness by the users. The parents will have to accompany their childreen to the toilets and
 will have to watch that the children do not play inside and around toilets. The wash is strictly forbidden except tubs planned in this use. The clothesline of the linen will be made, where necessary, in the common drying. However it will be tolerated till 10 hours near shelters, on condition that it is discreet and does not hamper the neighbors. He will never have to be made from trees. Plantations and flower arrangings must be respected. It is forbidden to the camper to crash nails in trees, to cut branches, to make plantations, to pick flowers. It is not either allowed to bound the location of an installation by average staffs, nor to dig the ground.
Any degradation appointed to the vegetation, to the fences, to the ground or to the installations of the campsite will be chargeable to his(her) author. If these damages are committed by children, the parents are responsible. The location which will have been used during the stay must be put back in its initial state.
a) Sets on fire
The open fires (wood, coal, etc.) is strictly forbidden; stoves must be maintained in perfect working order and must not be used under a tent or near a car. Fire extinguishers are at the disposal of all. In case of fire, inform immediately the reception desk.
A first-aid kit of first urgency is in the reception. The users of the campsite are invited to take the usual precautions for the saving of their equipment
b) Theft
The campsite is responsible only for objects deposited to the desk. The camper keeps the responsibility of his own installation. To indicate at once to the person in charge the presence in the campsite of every suspicious person .
c) Epidemic
No camper can stay at the campsite if he are affected by a contagious disease, he must be evacuated for the slightest deadlines.
No violent game, where hampering, can be organized near the installations. The meeting room cannot be used for animated games. The games not being watched, the direction disclaims all liability for the accidents which could arise there.
It cannot be left any equipment not occupied on the ground that after agreement of the management and only to the indicated location. The campsite is not responsible for this equipment in the absence of the owner. A fee the amount of which will be shown to the reception desk will be due for the garage.
It is reserved for the calls essential to emergencies. Except extreme urgency, no communication is passed on.
He (She) is responsible for the order and for the good behavior of the campsite. He(she) has the right to sanction the grave breaches in the regulation and, if need be, to expel the troublemakers, with the possible call to the police. A book of complaint or a special box intended to receive the complaints is kept at the disposal of the users. The complaints will be considered only if they are signed, dated, so precise as possible, and relating to relatively recent facts.


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