Campsite ” the castle of l hom “

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le château de lhom
le château de lhom
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Located(Localized) on the south hillside of the Cévennes, in border of the river “Gardon of St Jean”, in  “la vallée borgne” on the municipality of Saumane, the campsite of the Castle of l’Hom welcomes you on 12 ha green and shaded. Although situated on Saumane, the campsite is adjoining l’Estréchure. A footbridge ready in position the summer allows to go there on foot.

You can take advantage of the river or the swimming pool there, borrow hiking trails, practise the bike and many other activities as well in the campsite as nearby.

la piscine
The swimming pool

The campsite proposes you a warm and friendly atmosphere for moments of relaxation and rest.

Places possess a history(story) which goes back at least to 14 ème century but most probably very beyond. Regrettably few tracks which would allow to tell it. You can find a summary here ( in french)



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